Almost Gazamazing
by Amy Zidell
• Almost Gazamazing
[Disclaimer: I am self-identifying as a Trump Translator, for the purpose of this article. Briefly: Trump's Gazamazing proposal erases terrorist's excuse and holds those proclaiming yearning for peace accountable.]
Shock and awe in the middle of the Middle East without a drop of blood shed. How is that possible? Donald John Trump, the 45th and thank G'd the 47th President of the United States. At the first international visit to the 47th White House by Benjamin Netanyahu, during initial introduction, before serious conversation, Trump casually, almost off-handedly mentioned, USA will own Gaza and rebuild, it's uninhabitable. I believe I saw hint of, "huh?" Surprise in Bibi's face.
Trump continued adding train of thought self question and answer observations along the lines of: Why would anyone want to go back? Because they have nowhere else to go.
Trump and Bibi then excused themselves for talks. Several hours later Trump and Bibi held a joint news conference where Trump detailed his Middle-East version of the Marshall Plan that was instrumental in rebuilding Europe obliterated in the course of World War II.
Let me translate and explain what I believe Trump's genius thought process and reasoning is for his plan.
Incidentally, my Political Science Bachelor's degree studies emphasis included international relations, evolutionary international relations, and political themes in media.
1st. The so-called Palestinian Plight has been the excuse of terrorists for decades and has cost hundreds of thousands of lives, if not more. Factoring in massive amount of resources, effort, and human energy expended responding to and defending against terrorism, and the bad actor activity of carrying out terrorism, it is too much, no more -- certainly the plight of all would be de-plighted if bad actors focused on building and not destroying.
No matter how much territory Israel has given away time and time again for promises of peace, ultimately not kept, not a single grain of sand more should ever be given up.
In Trump's few words saying the USA will own Gaza, clean up what is currently an uninhabitable demolition sight in a minefield of undetonated bombs and munitions, on top of massive tunnel network, then build what could be the Middle-East Riviera, he takes the excuse, terrorists have lived by, off the table.
Trump recently visited also uninhabitable decimated communities in North Carolina and Los Angeles in need of massive coordinated efforts to clean before rebuilding. Much like in Los Angeles, whose voters unfortunately have continued to repeatedly vote in bad neglectful leadership who left empty a massive water reservoir in Pacific Palisades created after devastating fire decades ago built with the precise purpose of thwarting back potential future fires -- Gaza residents voted terrorists Hamas in as leadership. Rather than use material like concrete to build homes and constructive things, they built intricate underground terrorist tunnel network for absolutely nothing good instead. Who knows, maybe those weapons of massive destruction might have been tunneled there.
Doesn't seem like a safe place for families of any kind to inhabit.
So not only by Trump's Gazamazing proposal does he make the terrorists' excuse go away, 2nd, he creates a clean beautiful blank slate of pure historic sand safe from tunnels and bombs, ready to be rebuilt and re-envisoned. Why would anyone oppose that? Well, now, whoever does, has to explain themselves.
Understand that good partners in the region now have a clear path to resolve something and save face. If they are sincere that they want peace, here you go. Regional communities can now, in a dignified manner, provide civilized life to people who whether indoctrinated, brainwashed, or by threat were governed to demolition. There are some in the world who relish the idea of returning to the 5th century, even so, isn't it reasonable that someone who wants to pitch a nomadic tent not live in fear that pounding in a tent stake will trigger an unexploded bomb? By the way, I do not refer to those self sustained 'living off the grid'.
#Trump, #45-47, #Israel, #Gaza, #MiddleEastRiviera, #Jordan, #Egypt, #SaudiArabia, #AbrahamAccords, #RebuildGaza, #makeGazacivilizedAgain, #MagazaStrip
Free-lance writer, web consultant, and entrepreneur. Self described Trump translator. I also believe I have similar ability to translate deceptive semantic democrat figures -not nearly as much fun. I used to enjoy sushi and dark chocolate but not so much anymore. I gave up waiting for that new perfect pair of sunglasses to update my picture; so I dug up the old pair of sunglasses and snapped away for Then and Now.
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