Articles | Contact
End Piracy not Liberty - stop SOPA.
As a writer and designer, stopping online piracy is very important to me. Based on the information I've seen about the Stop Online Piracy Act (SOPA) bill and the Protect IP Act (PIPA), they are NOT the right bills to combat this problem. is now Xing (formally known a twittering). I hope this will enhance the experience.
See what we're Xing (formally known as tweeting). @AlmostCoherent
→ February 5, 2025
Political Commentary:
Almost Gazamazing -- Translating Trump's proposal erasing terrorist's excuse and holding those proclaiming yearning peace accountable
Political Commentary:
Almost Totally Responsible for Dianne Feinstein -- on lots including it's competency not age and duck food
Political Social Commentary:
Almost Knew -- on skewed search results about elections
Parody Political Social Commentary:
Almost Isn't Happening -- on what schools tell parents or guardians about their students
Political Commentary:
Intended or Unintended THAT is the Question -- Commentary on Biden's impending first State of the Union and global response to Ukraine invasion
Political/Social Humor:
Man Dates -- Commentary on Man Dates (and CZARS) how did SCOTUS miss it?
Politcal/Social Commentary:
Almost Challenged -- Commentary on January 6
Shana Tova - Lighter Side Holiday Classic Re-RePosting:
I Got Kugel All Over My Car! -- 20th century piece following a new Kugel recipe for the first time, reposted for 2021.
Slight Humor Social Commentary Short Story:
Almost Every Vote Counts -- on exploring election issues in past and present
Classic / Lighter Side:
Could I Survive This? -- on experiencing earthquake
Policial / Social Commentary / Humor:
Are You Going To Wait Until There Is?
Social Commentary:
Just What A Predator Needs
→ March 14, 2016
Political Commentary:
Repost from 2011: 10 Reasons Donald Trump should run for president
→ March 4, 2016
Political Commentary / Humor:
[WARNING ADULT language] A look at GOP Debate, Donald Trump and Romney fail
→ August 12, 2015 Immigration Solved In Under 300 Words: Exchange
See all Political Cartoons here.
Pre-Blog Quick Thoughts →
→August 26, 2011 12:56 PM
Almost Ownership on threats to Private Property Ownership in this country
→ November 24, 2010 - 10:08 AM
Flying Naked & The Santa Clause Doctrine: Innovative ideas and good reads while you wait
Naked Airlines and The Santa Clause Doctrine
-- Classic 2002 Naked commentary more relevant than ever
-- The TSCD air-travel security solution was exclusively detailed here nearly a year already, why isn't it in place?
→ August 17, 2010 - 3:49 PM
A very good question! Why Is It Up To Israel?
-- Looks at why it's up to Israel to take out Iran's nuke facility.
→ December 31, 2009 - 9:49 AM
STILL SPOT ON The Santa Claus Doctrine
-- Proposed new security policy.
→ September 23, 2009 - 4:50 PM
DISAPPOINTED President Obama referred to Israel as occupiers at the UN.
→ December 23, 2008 - 10:57 PM
- STILL SPOT ON - Universal Health Care is GREAT, as long as you can schedule your illness or injury 12 - 18 months ahead of time.
→ July 31, 2008 - Picture of Barack's cure for foreign oil dependence:
Recent Articles . . . updated 08.26.11Political Commentary:Almost Running
-- 10 Reasons Donald Trump Should Run For President
Social and Current Event Commentary:Almost Skinny
-- On the MTV show Skins
Current Event Commentary: Almost Listening
-- On Dr. Laura being labeled intolerant
Current Event Commentary: Why Is It Up To Israel?
-- Looks at why it's up to Israel to take out Iran's nuke facility.
Political Commentary Humor: Almost Healthy: Part 3 - What's With All The Insurance! (Or, See The Great Obama Perform A Magic Trick)
-- on the state of healthcare legislation.
Political Commentary Humor: Almost Healthy: Part 2 - Don't Bus My Healthcare!
-- on the state of healthcare.
Political Commentary / Rant: Unapologetic American -- on VP candidate Sarah Palin.
Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 4 - Judgment
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 3 - Special Interests
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 2 - Monkeys
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 1 - Religion
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
Political Commentary Satire: Almost Vulcan? -- on evidence Barack is a Vulcan.
Political Commentary Humor: Almost Special -- on Special Interest Groups.
Classic yet Contemporary:
Lighter Side / Political: Naked Airlines -- Flying Naked, a possible security measureClassic Lighter Side: Ice-Cream Broccoli -- on a quest for real ice-cream
Lighter Side: The Mindless Sex Patch -- on the birth control patch commercial
What Is Almost CoherentTM?
It's the name of my column.
It good naturedly describes my work.
It's the name of my Web Site.
It's how I feel a lot of the time.
It's a catchy name I used when I first had a local paper column.What you will find here are mostly humorous, sometimes political or serious articles. Thanks for visiting. Topics will cover the gamut from ding-dongs, to PMS tablets, to current events, to pregnancy tests, and so on. I'm not sure what kind of gamut that is but a gamut none the less.
I'll be posting brand new pieces along with my dusty archives. I suppose an on-line portfolio is better than a box of unclipped clippings sitting in the back of a closet. And borrowing from one of the major network's promotion of re-run programming: If you haven't seen it, it's new to you. So please read on and enjoy. Visit frequently for new postings.
Just in case you don't know: No portion of this Site may be used or duplicated, re-printed, or distributed in anyway without permission. Almost Coherent is the property, Copyright and Trademark of Amy Zidell. All articles are property and Copyright of Amy Zidell. All content on this Site © 1993 - 2023 Amy Zidell Worldwide Rights Reserved. It's mine, it's all mine!
Now that the formalities are over with click on... I hope you have a chuckle on me, with me, just chuckle a little bit!
A quick Site use guide: Read First is where announcements and this introduction will be, Articles gets you to the articles, and Contact is how you contact me.
Please go to Articles for a complete list of all articles.
I know that if you feel strongly, good or bad, about a piece you'll let me know. I always like feedback. Sometimes I'm amazed at it, other times perplexed by it. The fact that something I write gets you to the point you write about it, is in itself a wondrous thing. If you're a publisher or agent don't you be shy now. Drop me an e-mail directly at feedback @ almostcoherent . com. [ Too much garbage comes in via my old form and direct email link - use the addy above without any spaces. ]
Not waiting for that new perfect pair of sunglasses to update header picture; so I dug up the old pair of sunglasses and snapped away for Then and Now.
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Copyright © 1993 - 2023 Amy Zidell. All rights reserved. No portion of the contents of this Web Site, including but not limited to, any articles, images or material appearing on or posted on the Web Site may be republished, redisseminated, transmitted, distributed or duplicated in any manner without Amy Zidell's prior written consent.