Updated 02.05.25
- Political Commentary:
Almost Gazamazing -- Translating Trump's proposal erasing terrorist's excuse and holding those proclaiming yearning peace accountable
- Political Commentary:
Almost Totally Responsible for Dianne Feinstein
Observations on campaigns, competency matters, Feinstein fine, and laws against those against our constitutional government, and duck food
- Political Social Commentary:
Almost Knew
About skewed online search results and elections
- Parody Political Social Commentary:
Almost Isn't Happening
Observations about students and what schools inform parents and guardians about
- Political Commentary:
Intended or Unintended THAT is the Question
Commentary on Biden's impending first State of the Union and global response to Ukraine invasion
- Political/Social Humor Commentary:
Man Dates -- Commentary on Man Dates (and CZARS) how did SCOTUS miss it?
- Politcal/Social Commentary:
Almost Challenged -- Commentary on January 6
- Political/Current Event/Slight Humor Commentary:
Almost Plausible -- Commentary on Biden Afghanistan strategy (political satire)
- Political/Social Slight Humor Commentary:
Almost Inciting / Almost Fightful -- on upcoming 1st 2021 impeachment Senate trial and communication / mis-communication
- Slight Humor Social Commentary Short Story:
Almost Every Vote Counts -- on exploring election issues in past and present
- Somber Social Commentary:
On March 22 -- reflection on when COVI19 gets personal
- Classic / Lighter Side:
Could I Survive This? -- on experiencing earthquake
- Political / Social Commentary / Humor:
Are You Going To Wait Until There Is?
- Social Commentary:
Just What A Predator Needs
- Political Satire:
Hillary's Email Retreivable: Non-Chlorine Bleach Bit Use
- Political Commentary:
REPOST from 2011: 10 Reasons Donald Trump should run for president
- Political Commentary / Humor - [WARNING ADULT language]:
A look at GOP Debate, Donald Trump and Romney fail
- Political / Social Commentary - real and funny:
Immigration Solved In Under 300 Words: Exchange
- Political / Social Commentary: Almost 2013
• Republicans lost the election because...the other guy won
• News Media has dropped 'News' from its name/identity/purpose
• Violence Control vs. Gun Control more effective and sensible
• SAVE and about requiring SAVING being part of any fiscal plan?
→ September 14, 2012
An intel briefing Obama skipped:
Click to get a PDF version of the 'An intel briefing Obama skipped' cartoon to share, print, and post.
Fiscal Cliff one of 2012s worst marketing gimmicks
- Political / Social Commentary: Almost A Prince
-- on how Obama is like a bad boyfriend you date too long because you love the man he could be
- Political Commentary: Almost Ownership
-- On threats to Private Property Ownership in this country
- Political Commentary: Almost Credible
-- on Obama's lack of credibility and upcoming budget speech
- Political Commentary: Almost Running
-- 10 Reasons Why Trump Should Run For President
- Political Commentary: Almost Leaderless
-- Apologies about President Obama
- Social and Current Event Commentary: Almost Skinny
-- On the MTV show Skins
- Political Event Commentary: Almost Debatable
-- On California 28th Congressional Debate
- Current Event Commentary: Almost Listening
-- On Dr. Laura being labeled intolerant
- Current Event Commentary: Why Is It Up To Israel?
-- Looks at why it's up to Israel to take out Iran's nuke facility.
- Current Event Commentary: Almost Oily
-- Explores what Aliens and Huckabee tell us about the oil spill clean up.
- Serious Political Humor: The Santa Claus Doctrine
-- Proposed new security policy.
- Press Release: Almost Silent - Tiger Woods Press Release For Immediate, Universal Distribution.
-- Press Release on involvement with Tiger Woods
- Political Commentary Humor: Almost Healthy: Part 3 - What's With All The Insurance?
-- (Or, See The Great Obama Perform A Magic Trick)
- Political Commentary Humor: Almost Healthy: Part 2 - Don't Bus My Healthcare!
-- on the state of health care.
- Political Commentary Humor: Almost Healthy: Part 1 - A Tale of Three Patients
-- on the state of health care.
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 6 - Silliness
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 5 - Demographics
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary: Almost A Crisis -- on the not so financial crisis.
- Political Commentary / Rant: Unapologetic American -- on VP candidate Sarah Palin.
- Political Commentary: Almost a Pig -- brief look at Obama calling Palin a pig.
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 4 - Judgment
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 3 - Special Interests
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary: Almost Sabber Rattling -- on Iran's threats to Israel
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 2 - Monkeys
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary Humor: Is That A Monkey In Your Pocket? Part 1 - Religion
-- on Obama to receive Hindu god Hanuman idol.
- Political Commentary Satire: Almost Vulcan? -- on evidence Barack is a Vulcan.
- Political Commentary Humor: Almost Special -- on Special Interest Groups.
- Political Commentary Humor: Almost Speaking -- Speech tips for Hillary.
- Political Humor: Almost Stimulating -- My suggestions on economic stimulus packages.
- Political Rant: Almost Elected -- Over Mis-analysis of Clinton's campaign.
- Political Humor: Almost Amnesty -- Can Chain Gangs solve the illegal immigration problem?
- Commentary: Almost Hypocrite -- On publishing Killer Manifesto
- Commentary: Almost Obvious -- New Approach for Iraq
- Political Rant: Almost Leaky -- Outrage at Angelides okay with hacking
- Commentary: Almost Biblical -- on War against Israel
- Classic Lighter Side: Ice-Cream / Broccoli -- an oldie but a goodie on the quest for real Ice-Cream
- Classic Lighter Side: Same As It Never Was -- an oldie but a goodie about home improvement and painting
- Commentary: A Stitch in Time -- on Katrina
- Political Humor: Election Squeeze -- on switching Ketchup brands or not
- Commentary: Remembering Reagan -- on Reagan's Legacy
- Political Lighter Side: Learning From Cicadas -- on Cicadas and Mid-East Democracy
- Commentary with Light tones: Spring Report '04 - Janet's dominat-dud -- on the real point
- Lighter Side: Happy Politically Correct Halloween -- Ekk!
- Op Ed: Election Schmelection -- on the Recall Election
- Lighter Side Holiday Classic: I Got Kugel All Over My Car! -- on following a new Kugel recipe for the first time.
- Commentary: How Soon We Forget -- opinion/observation regarding 9/11 remembrance
- Lighter Side / Political: Ask and You'll Receive
(contains some mature language, don't read if you shouldn't) -- on coverage of the 1977 Arnold Schwarzenegger interview.
- Lighter Side / Political:10 Way California and Iraq Are Similar -- on the similarities from size to power outages
- Political: A Case For More Preemption -- on moving the Road to Peace forward
- Lighter Side: Almost Simple -- on how complicated life is today
- Political / Lighter Side: Adopt A War -- Adopt A Military funding option
- Political / Lighter Side: Wrinkle War -- Botox war conspiracy
- Lighter Side: The Mindless Sex Patch -- on the birth control patch commercial
- Rant / Political: A Piece Protest -- commentary on 'peace' demonstrators
- Lighter Side: Political Themes In Xena -- new link to this article.
- Lighter Side: News - Not News -- a short look at headlines and potential headlines and if they're newsworthy.
- Classic Lighter Side: It's Icy Out There... or...The Naked Russians Are Coming -- commentary on figure skating 2002 and 1994
- Lighter Side (contains some mature language don't read it if you shouldn't): E-Mailtainment -- What's in your e-mail?
- Lighter Side / Slight Political: Naked Airlines -- Flying Naked, a possible security measure
- Lighter Side / Political: Condit the Contestant -- if Condit appeared on Millionaire
- Lighter Side / Political: Almost The Same -- about cloning
- Political Humor Rant: The Congressman, the Flight Attendant and the Intern
- Rant: Cut To Some Points -- regarding the non safety belt mom and taxes
- Political / Lighter Side: Let Our People Go -- regarding U.S. Soldiers Held In China
- Classic / Lighter Side: Could I Survive This? -- reflections on the 1994 Earthquake
- Rant / Light Side: Now Every Vote Counts
- Rant / Light Side: Walking In L.A., or, Nearly Getting Run Down On The Way To Sushi
- Rant / Lighter Side: Politicking TV
- Lighter Side: Good Vibrations: PMS, A Prostate and the Razor
- Sort of Political: You Go Joe! -- Regarding Lieberman's response to the ADL
- Lighter Side: Charity Really Begins At Home
- Lighter Side / Rant: Give Anne Heche A Break!: Better Than a Car Chase
- Light Side / Rant: Same News Is No News
- Classic / Lighter Side: It's So Easy
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